Mrs. Popi Krouska (architect and artist) is organizing an exhibition called "Design 2009" and with theme the new technologies and new materials. Many designers will take part and some of theme well known too. The exhibit is open to everybody and offcourse you are all invited...well see you there! Below Invitation:
From a mail just arrived from the "Hellenic Industrial Design Secretariat" (Elliniki Grammateia Biomixanikou Sxediasmou) I was informed about a 2009 furniture competition organized by the Ag Communications and the Rota companies. Well...interesting and with a reserved section for students!! So good luck to everybody! Below full description... Diagonismos Sxediasmou Epiplou Id
Kim Katinis was born in Rome (Italy) from architects mother and father. After spending his first ten years of childhood there, he moved with his family to Athens (Greece).
There he finishes the Italian high school and in the year 2000 took the diploma in industrial design at the AKTO art and design school.
In the next nine years he worked as a junior designer for Drakoulakis s.a. and as a senior at Exhibit Smart Stands Constructions, Yalco and its subsidiaries companies Omnishop, Fest, Evans & Taylor.
In 2008 he attended with his work at the “Greek Designers Proposals” and in 2009 at the “Design 2009” team exhibitions held in Athens.
His work has been published on “MD” design magazine (Bulgaria), “Nisha” design magazine (Israel) and in various internet blogs (“Trends Updates”, “Yanko Design”, “Elite Choice” etc.).
Currently he works as a freelance product and interior designer.
Hi there... Yes, as the title says this is another design blog (the web is full of those in this days). With the exception that instead of just linking you on some cool products, I'll try to post topics that could help us (I hope) in some ways to be better designers, without spending hours and hours over the internet or just wait years to gain the proper experience in order to put our hands on some knowledge. Off course this will not exclude the fact that from times to times I'll show some products that I'll found interesting, news, competitions etc. You'll notice that I'll be referring a lot to Greece, that's because I'm living in Athens and design things are slow here, so I think that waters must be shaken. So, hope you'll like it...and enjoy!