Monday, October 13, 2008

Manufacturing Methods: Metal (liquid state) Forming 01_Sand Molding + Sand Casting

Concerning how the things are here in Greece about retrieving knowledge that in later time could help you design a better product...I've decided to make a series of topics that will show how manufacture methods are done in practice.
Thats because ,at least here Greece, most of us maybe never had the chance to see "how it's done"....few manufacturers = few chances.

Well, the first one is about "sand molding" (first video) and "sand casting" (second video).

Properties of procedure:
  • Few limitation on size or shape.
  • Inserts can be part of the mold.
  • Molds are inexpensive.
  • Limited dimensional accurancy.
  • Poor surface quality.
  • Thin sections are impractical.
  • Machining usually required.

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